Friday, November 11, 2011

Thankful Days 9, 10, and 11

The last few days have been spent with me in bed battling a time change cold (yes I made that up) My voice is nearly gone and my nasal passages have some blockage going on! I looked down my throat the other day with the (awesome) flashlight on my voice, and there are things back there that shouldn't be! I hate going to the doctor partially because of my no health insurance status and the rest because I hate doctors. So like every other year that I have gotten this sick, I am going to battle it out on my own. At least it isn't the flu or else I would have to send my girls to their grandparents house :) That's me always looking on the bright side of things :) Anyway, here I am. Late as usual with my Thankful's :) 

Thankful Day#9: I am thankful for... my laptop. I love that I can be in my warm bed surfing the web or working on Photoshop. Which brings me to thankful #10... WiFi. Both of these together are amazing! I love technology.

Thankful#11: I am thankful for... my Husband. I know I mentioned family in my other post, but today I am especially thankful for him. He may not be perfect, but I know he loves me. My sister has been the model house wife to her husband and he still treat her like crap. He cheats on her constantly! I don't understand how someone can do that to the person they supposedly love. I am thankful that regardless of the arguments my husband and I have, I can trust him. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Oops... Days 5, 6, 7, and 8

Lets just say the past few days have been tiring :) On to the reason for this post.

Thankful #5: I am thankful for the many people who love my children. I truly believe that they are extremely blessed with their aunts and uncles, 2 sets of grandparent, 1 set of great-grandparents, and a great-grandmother. I love my family, which brings me to Thankful #6, and love that my children get to know their great-grandmother, my grandma. I am thankful for her every day of my life and truly don't know what I will do when she is no longer with us. I hate to even think on it. I love my guelita so much its indescribable. I am thankful for her :) 

Thankful#7: I am thankful for my sense of humor. (is that weird?) I love that I can laugh at strange situations and (especially) myself. I don't take anything too serious and I always try and see to bright side of any situation. I am a glass half full type of girl :) 

Thankful #8: Today (Nov. 8th) I woke up with a headache. Not the funnest thing when you have to get a 6 and 3 year old out the door in time for school :/ but I got up any way dressed them, did their hair and sent them off. I went back to bed and started playing around with photoshop :) I am thankful for photoshop. I love the program and can literally spend hours working on it :) I love that I am barely getting a handle on everything and love learning new things :)

So, yeah, now I am all caught up. Thank you for reading my silly little posts, or my ever serious ones. Life is so much better now that I can write type what I am thinking anytime of day.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thankful Day 4

Day 4 of November. I can't believe that this year is about to end. By the first Monday of the new year I will be the 24 year old mother of a 7 year old daughter. I can't believe that! It seems like just yesterday I was holding her at the hospital, and now she's turning 7! Crazy!! 

For my Thankful of the Day :) 
 I am seriously thankful for warm blankets. It the first day of 30 degree weather here in South Texas and honestly to me its freezing :) Its going up to near 70 this afternoon, but this cold morning reminds me how much I love my blankets. And for those of you that your high of the day is 30 degrees, you have to understand this is SOUTH Texas we're talking about. Cool weather to us is mid 60's :) So yes I am thankful for blankets :) 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful Day 3

I woke up this morning LATE! I quickly dressed my girls and sent them with dad to drop them off while on his way to work. (we live in a TINY town so its not a big deal. the elementary school is 3 blocks from my house :)) After waking up and trying super hard to get out of bed I realized that I had a tornado dream... These are SO not my favorite type of dream. Ever since I was a teenager I remember that after a tornado dream something bad happened. The one that stands out the most is the one I got a week or two before my uncle passed away. As soon as I made that realization, I started praying. I called my mom after sending my girls to school and she prayed with me some more. So I decided that I can't keep believing in this. SO I prayed some more and continued on with my day trying not be in a mood. So far its been a great day :) 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thankful Day 1 and 2

I saw this on a few blogs and facebook, so I decided to start my own.

My Thankful List:
Since I am starting a day late I will post for today (the 2nd on Nov.) and yesterday (the 1st of Nov)

1.First and foremost I am thankful that I am loved by GOD. HE has blessed me in ways that I forget about but always remember when times are tough. I am never alone with HIM on my side. No matter how much life throws at me I know that  with GOD I can get through anything.

2. I am thankful for my family. With out them I don't know who I'd be or where in this world I would be going. My daughters and my husband are my life and they are the reason I am who I am. I want to be better because of them. My mother and my sisters are a big influence and can't imagine life without them.
