Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Oops... Days 5, 6, 7, and 8

Lets just say the past few days have been tiring :) On to the reason for this post.

Thankful #5: I am thankful for the many people who love my children. I truly believe that they are extremely blessed with their aunts and uncles, 2 sets of grandparent, 1 set of great-grandparents, and a great-grandmother. I love my family, which brings me to Thankful #6, and love that my children get to know their great-grandmother, my grandma. I am thankful for her every day of my life and truly don't know what I will do when she is no longer with us. I hate to even think on it. I love my guelita so much its indescribable. I am thankful for her :) 

Thankful#7: I am thankful for my sense of humor. (is that weird?) I love that I can laugh at strange situations and (especially) myself. I don't take anything too serious and I always try and see to bright side of any situation. I am a glass half full type of girl :) 

Thankful #8: Today (Nov. 8th) I woke up with a headache. Not the funnest thing when you have to get a 6 and 3 year old out the door in time for school :/ but I got up any way dressed them, did their hair and sent them off. I went back to bed and started playing around with photoshop :) I am thankful for photoshop. I love the program and can literally spend hours working on it :) I love that I am barely getting a handle on everything and love learning new things :)

So, yeah, now I am all caught up. Thank you for reading my silly little posts, or my ever serious ones. Life is so much better now that I can write type what I am thinking anytime of day.

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