Friday, November 4, 2011

Thankful Day 4

Day 4 of November. I can't believe that this year is about to end. By the first Monday of the new year I will be the 24 year old mother of a 7 year old daughter. I can't believe that! It seems like just yesterday I was holding her at the hospital, and now she's turning 7! Crazy!! 

For my Thankful of the Day :) 
 I am seriously thankful for warm blankets. It the first day of 30 degree weather here in South Texas and honestly to me its freezing :) Its going up to near 70 this afternoon, but this cold morning reminds me how much I love my blankets. And for those of you that your high of the day is 30 degrees, you have to understand this is SOUTH Texas we're talking about. Cool weather to us is mid 60's :) So yes I am thankful for blankets :) 

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