Friday, November 11, 2011

Thankful Days 9, 10, and 11

The last few days have been spent with me in bed battling a time change cold (yes I made that up) My voice is nearly gone and my nasal passages have some blockage going on! I looked down my throat the other day with the (awesome) flashlight on my voice, and there are things back there that shouldn't be! I hate going to the doctor partially because of my no health insurance status and the rest because I hate doctors. So like every other year that I have gotten this sick, I am going to battle it out on my own. At least it isn't the flu or else I would have to send my girls to their grandparents house :) That's me always looking on the bright side of things :) Anyway, here I am. Late as usual with my Thankful's :) 

Thankful Day#9: I am thankful for... my laptop. I love that I can be in my warm bed surfing the web or working on Photoshop. Which brings me to thankful #10... WiFi. Both of these together are amazing! I love technology.

Thankful#11: I am thankful for... my Husband. I know I mentioned family in my other post, but today I am especially thankful for him. He may not be perfect, but I know he loves me. My sister has been the model house wife to her husband and he still treat her like crap. He cheats on her constantly! I don't understand how someone can do that to the person they supposedly love. I am thankful that regardless of the arguments my husband and I have, I can trust him. 


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